The fire broke out in the two-story block over the weekend
Shortly after 10am – Saturday 5th January 2019 – a fire broke out in a two-storey block in Colchester, Essex which left devastating effects on four of the flats and the roof. Seven crews, from Colchester, Tiptree, Brightlingsea, Mersea, Clacton and Chelmsford attended the scene and an aerial ladder platform from Chelmsford was used to assist in tackling the blaze.
Fire fighters were still dampening the hotspots at 1.30pm, and finally left the scene at 4pm. Many residents have had their homes destroyed, an investigation into the cause of the blaze is underway. Pictures below from the Colchester Gazette illustrate just how destructive a fire can be.
The block of flats, belonging to Colchester Borough Homes is located in Golden Noble Hill, close to Military Road. Thankfully, all the of the occupants were safely evacuated by 11am and a spokesman for Colchester Council has told the Colchester Gazette that anybody requiring temporary accommodation or support will be provided with it.
4site’s Andrew Bull was witness to the event
4site’s Client Services Manager, Andrew Bull, lives adjacent to the block of flats and was witness to the blaze, as well as on hand to help residents. When commenting, Andrew said:
“On Saturday 5th January 2019 I was a witness to a flat fire in Colchester occurring at the rear of my property. The flats are part of a block of approximately 20 that back onto the rear of my garden.
My wife and I became aware of the fire when large amounts of smoke poured into our garden and the arrival of the Essex Fire Service. 4 fire engines, incident report unit and a number of other emergency services were promptly in attendance. A large gathering of local civilians along with the emergency services came together and aided the occupants of the flats offering blankets, food and assistance for those affected.
From what I witnessed, it was frightening to see how quickly the fire spread and the devastation it had caused; 4 flats were damaged as a result. Although no one was injured I was alarmed to see that there was a large amount of rubbish bags and items along the balcony of the flats and front doors not appearing to be
fire rated so this could have easily spread further if it were not to the quick response from the fire services.
Although this was a tragic incident, I was somewhat comforted to see how the local community along with my wife and I responded to those in need and how efficiently the emergency services handled the situation. This could have had far worse an outcome, I cannot help but think back to the Grenfell Tower tragedy that is still in many of people’s minds and how that incident unfolded before the nation’s eyes.
My thoughts are with the residents who now have no home due to this fire as this is no way to start the New Year for anyone.”