In accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, all non-domestic premises, including the communal areas of residential blocks, require a Health, Safety and Fire Risk assessment; this extends to the external communal areas, such as Car Parks.

Health, Safety and Fire

underground car park with cars

Those responsible for the safety of a car park should be ensuring that there are no slip and trip hazards that may cause potential injury, such as uneven floor. They should also ensure that Fire Doors are sufficient and that fire exits are clearly labelled and kept clear. Regular property inspections should extend to include the car parks and the responsible person should be implementing a system of regular inspections to include: safety hazards, safe access & egress, means of escape, fire doors, signage, and lighting.

We have a free Site Inspection App that can assist you with your property inspections; please get in touch with a member of our team who would be happy to talk you through this.

Automatic Gates

Another safety aspect to consider with car parks is electric and automatic gates. Electric gate systems should be designed, fitted and maintained according to appropriate safety standards.

It is so important that all automatic gates are risk assessed and fitted with sufficient safety measures to prevent people from becoming trapped or injured. In fact, there have been a number of cases where safety measures were not put in place when gates were installed and checks/ risk assessments were not carried on the gates to ensure their safety before being handed over to clients.  Some of these high-profile cases unfortunately include children being fatally crushed due to gates not being properly installed and checked before hand over.  Many of these deaths could have been easily avoided if the correct checks and risk assessments were carried out. This also highlights the importance of using safe contractors that have a safe working environment, adequately train employees, and deliver the relevant information, instruction and supervision.

If you require any further advice or guidance, please get in touch.