As always, we are proud to support this year’s Fire Door Safety Week; a campaign managed by the British Woodworking Federation with the aim of raising awareness and increasing public understanding of the vital role that Fire Doors play in protecting life and property.

This year Fire Door Safety Week will run from 20th – 26th September. Throughout the week we will be sharing tips, advice and guidance to engage and educate property owners and managers about the correct specification, supply, installation, operation, inspection and maintenance of fire doors. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn page and other socials.

The team behind Fire Door Safety Week have shared an abundance of tips and advice on their website; including a toolkit which contains helpful guides such as their “5 Step Fire Door Check” and “10 tips for Fire Doors in Flats.”

Fire Door Safety Week - 5 Step Fire Door Check
FDSW 2020 – 5 Step Fire Door Check

Why are Fire Doors so Important for Residential Blocks?

Fire doors have always been a key elements of a building’s passive fire protection, ensuring compartmentation and often protecting vital escape routes. But now more than ever, since the Fire Safety Act has received royal assent, you should start to consider the need for Fire Door Inspections for the flat entrance doors of your block(s) if you haven’t already. As a Managing Agent or Landlord, you need to ensure that the residents’ entrance doors are suitable and sufficient in preventing the spread of smoke and flames.

In a block of flats, front entrance doors and any other doors leading onto the communal areas are required to be Fire Doors. Fire doors are crucial for the compartmentation of a building and each flat should be a self-contained, fire-resisting compartment.

We can carry out a Fire Door Inspection at the same time as your Health, Safety and Fire Risk Assessment; providing you with a separate report but saving you both time and money. If you would like further information or advice on this please get in touch or give our friendly team a call on 01376 572 936.

Categories: Welcome