The technical bit…
Health & Safety Awareness Training addresses the requirements of The Health and Safety at Work etc.
Act 1974 (Section 2c) that requires the employer to provide whatever information, instruction, training and
supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees.
Also under Section 7b of the Act employees have a duty to co-operate with the employer for the training provided.
This requirement is expanded by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which identify situations
where health and safety training is particularly important, e.g. when people start work, on exposure to new or
increased risks and where existing skills may have become rusty or need updating. There are a number of
other regulations that include specific health & safety training requirements, e.g. asbestos, and first
aid however, for managers of property and site staff, good quality activity/site specific, general health & safety
awareness training will provide an effective base to meet with the requirements.